
How to use the online press center

The latest updates, press releases, photos and videos will be posted in the relevant sections of the website as soon as they are available.

We will notify you of the latest posts in the News section to make sure you don’t miss anything.

For more information about Rosatom’s projects please visit the Reference Materials section.

Click the Download Text button to download any of the reference materials in the text format.

How to use our Media Bank with a collection of photos and videos

Switching the interface language

Click the Info icon in the top right corner to switch between Russian and English.

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - manual__0020_lang-en-1024x594.jpg

Media collection

Click the preview of any media collection to browse all topic-related materials.

Browsing materials

Click any picture to open a window with a short description of the photo/video, copyright and the Download button.

Downloading materials

Click the Download button to open a pop-up menu and choose the size (for example, the initial size or a preview for social media) of photos or videos you want to download.

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - manual__0002_download-en-1024x594.jpg

List of media collections

Choose Collections in the upper drop-down menu to browse all collections available in the media bank.

Это изображение имеет пустой атрибут alt; его имя файла - manual__0006_gotocollections-en-1024x594.jpg