Alexey Egarmin

Alexey Egarmin

Director General, Russian-Turkish Business Council

Alexey Egarmin

Director General, Russian-Turkish Business Council

Expert comment

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The Akkuyu NPP construction project in Turkey has a positive impact on our country’s economy. In stimulates industrial cooperation, which also benefits the Turkish economy.

The fact that the project is being implemented as planned shows the interest of the parties in it. Turkey is interested in the nuclear power plant because it will make Turkey energy-independent, and the nuclear fuel delivery is another step towards this goal. There are expectations in Turkey that the project will logically finish on schedule and as planned. The delivery of nuclear fuel demonstrates the project is following the agreements signed and has reached its key stages, with the moment of ‘turning on power’ approaching.

A few words about sanctions:

Turkey’s position is clear: its national economic interests are more important than the ‘advice’ given by Western politicians to wind down relations with Russia. Ankara has long demonstrated at the highest level to those who advocate the rollback of economic cooperation with Russia that Turkey and Russia have long-standing, broad relations across multiple areas, and Turkey does not intend to comply with the restrictions imposed by any state if they are detrimental to its economy. Turkey prioritizes its national economic and energy interests.
