Rosatom ships this year’s largest batch of equipment to the ITER construction site

Rosatom ships this year’s largest batch of equipment to the ITER construction site

The next shipment of equipment confirms Russia’s to fulfill its obligations under the project

Rosatom ships this year’s largest batch of equipment to the ITER construction site

The next shipment of equipment confirms Russia’s to fulfill its obligations under the project

Press release

Project Center ITER (Rosatom’s enterprise) has carried out one of the largest shipments of equipment for the fusion mega-facility this year. The common frame of the first (of four) stand for vacuum, strength, thermal and functional tests of the port plugs of the vacuum vessel was shipped to the ITER machine construction site.

The test facilities, including the shipped frame, are manufactured in Bryansk using advanced, often unique domestic technologies and developments. When conducting tests inside the stands, conditions will be created that are as close as possible to the actual operating conditions of the future machine. The frame of the first test stand sent to the site of the reactor construction was the first Russian shipment within this system, which is vital for the project. A metal structure weighing more than 20 tons is necessary to evenly distribute the load on the floor arising from the test chamber and the loading and unloading system during operations with port plugs.

The next large shipment of equipment for an international project of creating a new generation fusion machine confirms the readiness of Russian enterprises to fulfill their obligations for its joint implementation. “Russia continues to take full responsibility for its obligations in terms of in-kind contribution to the ITER project. This year we have already made a number of deliveries of high-tech equipment. And now, according to the schedule, the first components of this most important system for the project have been sent to the ITER Organization. This is a great achievement of GKMP, Rosatom, our foreign partners and colleagues,” said Anatoly Krasilnikov, Director of the Project Center ITER.


ITER is a project of the world’s first international thermonuclear experimental reactor of a new generation, being implemented by the efforts of the international community in Provence (France), near Marseille. The objective of the project is to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of using thermonuclear energy on an industrial scale, as well as to develop the necessary technological processes for this. The Project Center ITER, institution of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, performs the functions of the Russian ITER Domestic Agency responsible for ensuring Russia’s in-kind contribution to the project.
