Wind power division

Wind power division

Wind power division

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NovaWind is Rosatom’s wind power division, consolidating efforts of the Russian nuclear corporation in advanced areas of energy generation technology. Established in September 2017, the company accumulates Rosatom’s competencies in wind power generation, from design and construction to mechanical engineering and operation of wind farms. As of today, NovaWind has commissioned 880 MW of wind power capacity. By 2027, Rosatom will put a total of about 1.7 GW of wind capacity in operation.

A source of electricity for industry and households, wind power paves the way for a progressive social and economic development of the country. Russia continues to upgrade its power generation facilities, including nuclear capacity. These efforts are fully in line with the current trends towards digitalization and import substitution. Low-carbon power sources already account for nearly 40% of the Russian energy mix. With the share of wind and nuclear power growing, low-carbon generation will only expand in the future.

Russian partners of Rosatom’s wind power projects increase the output of necessary systems and equipment to strengthen the country’s technological sovereignty. Rosatom Group companies are also involved in the production of domestic components, and one of them is Rosatom’s Nuclear fuel division TVEL. The company will launch end-to-end production of rare-earth magnets by 2027. After the factory reaches full capacity in 2028, it will produce 1,000 tons of magnets annually with the possibility of increasing the output to over 3,000 tons after 2030. Rosatom has also announced its composite materials division will launch production of wind turbine blades.

Additional information:

  1. Rosatom’s wind energy projects
  2. Rosatom localization program