Green Certificates in Russia

Green Certificates in Russia

Green Certificates in Russia

Additional information

What is a green certificate?

A green certificate, or a guarantee of origin, proves that certain electricity has been produced using renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, hydro, or others. The certificates are tradeable separately from the electric power for which they have been issued. Every transaction with green certificates is entered into a dedicated register.

  • The green certificates are standardised in form and content. They contain the following information: Name and location of the generating facility
  • Energy source and power generating technology
  • Period of time (month and year) when power was generated
  • Certificate registration date Installed capacity and commissioning date of the generating facility

Each certificate is assigned a unique registration number for identification.

Why green certificates?

By buying green certificates, the consumers offset their carbon footprint from electricity consumption and contribute to the development of renewable energy sources. They also may mention this fact in their non-financial reports, advertisements and product labels.

How to buy ‘green’ energy? How to receive a certificate?

It is not necessary to build a renewable power plant to switch over to green energy consumption. The green certificate is an asset separate from electricity – it captures the rights related to the positive effects of renewable generation and makes them tradeable. After a company purchases and redeems green certificates, it may declare the use of green energy in its non-financial reports, advertisements and product labels. Today, it is the most widely used method of embarking on green energy.

Russian voluntary standard for green energy certification

The Russian voluntary Carbon Zero standard approved by the Climate Task Force of the National ESG Alliance is the only green certification standard currently available in Russia after the withdrawal of international certification systems. The standard adheres to AIB and RE100 principles and follows GHG Protocol guidelines to enable responsible power consumers in Russia to offset their carbon footprint from energy consumption and support the development of renewable energy sources with proven and reliable tools.

Interesting facts & figures:

The energy sector accounts for almost a half of the global greenhouse gas emissions.

Annual emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases from the power generation are:

• 1–2 tonnes of CO2e per household;
• over 280 tonnes of CO2e per medium-sized office;
• millions of tonnes of CO2e per large industrial facility.
