Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon

Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon

Director General of World Nuclear Association

Dr. Sama Bilbao y Leon

Director General of World Nuclear Association

Expert comment

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I am thrilled to witness the first fuel load at Akkuyu nuclear power plant, that formally brings Turkey to the global nuclear family. Congratulations!

Akkuyu will be key in helping Turkey reach net zero emission targets and will strengthen energy security in Turkey.

When complete, the 4 units at Akkuyu nuclear power plant will generate 35 billion kilowatt-hours of carbon free electricity annually, which is nearly 10% of Turkey’s electricity demand.

But the significance of this moment extends beyond Turkey.

With the global nuclear community committed to delivering new nuclear power plants at the speed and the scale required, the Akkuyu power plant is a powerful symbol of this shared commitment.

And clearly the completion of this first unit in about 5 years is a testament to international collaboration and demonstrates that we as an industry can build nuclear reactors efficiently.

World Nuclear Association welcomes Turkey as a newcomer country utilizing nuclear energy for growth and prosperity. As we celebrate the loading of the first fuel at Akkuyu nuclear power plant, I want to renew our commitment to working together with Turkey and the Turkish nuclear industry towards a sustainable nuclear future creating a better world for everybody.

Thank you very very much!
