Alexander Nakhabov

Alexander Nakhabov

Deputy Head of Nuclear Physics and Technology Department, MEPhI Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering

Alexander Nakhabov

Deputy Head of Nuclear Physics and Technology Department, MEPhI Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering

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The delivery of nuclear fuel to the site is an important stage in the construction of a nuclear power plant. After that, the facility becomes truly nuclear. It is also important in terms of staff training as it marks the transition from the construction to commissioning and, eventually, to bringing the power unit online.

After the decision was made to build Turkey’s first nuclear power plant to Russian design, the National Nuclear Research University (MEPhI) admitted the first Turkish students for NPP operation and maintenance programs. The curriculum was delivered in Russian, so the students (more than 200 people) first studied the language at the preparatory department for one year and then spent two years at MEPhI acquiring fundamental knowledge in natural sciences. After that, the students took their main degree course in Design, Engineering and Operation of Nuclear Stations (the course was delivered at both the Moscow and Obninsk sites of the university), specializing in certain fields during internship and when working on their graduation theses. Most of the Turkish students completed their studies successfully and then returned to Russia to be trained for specific positions. Apart from MEPhI, Turkish students study at other Russian universities that train employees for Rosatom, for example, at Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University. MEPhI remains involved in the education process as many students do practical training (and write their Master’s theses) in MEPhI resource centers.
