Hydraulic 24.5 MPa tests have been successfully completed in terms of density and strength at the primary circuit systems and equipment of the Rooppur NPP power unit No. 1 which is being built in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh by the Rosatom State Corporation Engineering Division.
The process included several stages, such as preliminary preparation, filling the primary circuit with water, achieving the required pressure and temperature, preparing the main and adjacent systems. An automated process control system was put into operation to provide management and control of the process parameters during the hydraulic tests. Specialists conducted thorough monitoring of the equipment status, recording all indicators in accordance with design requirements and international safety standards.
”The hydraulic tests successfully completed at the Rooppur NPP power unit 1 confirms the high level of quality and safety of our project. This is a significant stage that brings us closer to the next important step, i.e. the hot run of the reactor plant. We are confident that the plant will become a reliable source of energy for Bangladesh for decades to come,” Alexey Deriy, ASE JSC Vice President for Projects in Bangladesh noted.
Rooppur NPP equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors of the total 2400 MW capacity is being constructed under the Russian design 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with General Contract dated December 25, 2015. The Russian design with VVER-1200 reactors has been selected for the first NPP in Bangladesh. Rosatom’s top-of-the-line VVER-1200 reactors have already proven their efficiency and reliability in the operation of reference power units. This is an evolutionary Gen III+ design which fully complies with all international safety requirements. Currently, six power units are being operated on the basis of such reactors, including four power units in Russia and two ones in the Republic of Belarus. Construction of nuclear power plants under Russian technology is underway in Egypt, Hungary, Turkey and China.
Russia is consistently developing international trade and economic relations, focusing on cooperation with friendly countries. The domestic economy is augmenting its export potential to supply goods, services and raw materials all over the world. The implementation of major international energy projects is underway. Rosatom and its enterprises are taking an active part in this work.
The Engineering Division of State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom unites the leading companies of the nuclear industry, namely: Atomstroyexport JSC (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, branch offices in Russia and abroad), Joint Design Institute – Atomenergoproekt JSC (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and St. Petersburg branch offices and design institutes, branch offices in Russia and abroad, R&D branches) and subsidiary construction companies.
The Engineering Division ranks first in the world by the order portfolio and the number of NPPs constructed simultaneously across the world. About 80 % of the Division’s revenues originate from foreign projects.
The Engineering Division implements construction projects for high-power NPPs in Russia and across the world, renders a full range of EPC, EP, EPC(M) services including project management and design activities, and develops Multi-D technologies for the management of complex engineering facilities. The Division relies on the achievements of the Russian nuclear industry and modern cutting-edge technologies.
We construct reliable and safe NPPs with 3+Gen VVER reactors that are in line with all international requirements and recommendations. www.ase-ec.ru