Rosatom’s Machine Building Division enterprises in St. Petersburg and Petrozavodsk manufactured and shipped the primary equipment for the nuclear island, power unit No. 4, Xudapu NPP. Rosatom is contributing to the construction of the Russian-designed nuclear island in the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
Izhora Factory in St. Petersburg delivered a pressurizer for the VVER-1200 nuclear reactor. The 186-ton pressurizer is a critical component of the reactor island. It maintains pressure in the primary circuit. The pressurizer will be shipped to China by rail and sea.
Petrozavodskmash in Karelia shipped the first of four reactor coolant pump casings. The total weight of the assembly is 48 tons. The pump will be installed in the reactor island of power unit No. 4, Xudapu NPP to circulate the coolant in the primary circuit.

The products have successfully passed every acceptance test and are compliant with the strict quality requirements for nuclear power facilities. The Chinese colleagues supervised the tests.
Rosatom’s Engineering Division includes the nuclear industry companies: Atomstroyexport (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, offices in Russia and abroad), Atomenergoproekt United Design Institute (Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg design institutes, offices in Russia and abroad, survey facilities), and construction subsidiaries. The Engineering Division ranks first globally in terms of its order portfolio and the number of nuclear power plants simultaneously constructed across the world.
About 80% of the Division’s revenues come from international projects. The Engineering Division builds high-power NPPs in Russia and other countries. It provides a full range of EPC, EP, and EPC(M) services, including design and project management, and develops Multi-D technologies to manage complex engineering facilities. The Division relies upon the achievements of the Russian nuclear power industry and innovative, state-of-the-art technologies.
Xudapu NPP is under construction in Liaoning Province, China. Several contracts were signed in 2019, including a general contract for the construction of Xudapu NPP Units No. 3 and 4 with VVER-1200 reactors, and a nuclear fuel supply contract. Under the contracts, the Russian party will design the NPP nuclear island, supply key equipment for both power units, and provide its supervised installation and commissioning.
Rosatom’s Machine Building Division is Russia’s largest power engineering holding in terms of production volume and revenue. It supplies a comprehensive range of equipment for reactor and turbine islands of all Russian-designed NPPs; designs manufactures, and delivers integrated solutions for the power, oil and gas, and other industries. The Division includes Petrozavodskmash in Karelia, the largest manufacturing site in the region (primary coolant pumps, reactor coolant pipeline fittings, emergency core cooling system vessels, and other equipment), and the Atommash factory in Volgodonsk, which produces complex equipment for almost all nuclear construction projects in Russia and abroad.
Izhora Manufacturing Site, Rosatom’s Machine Building Division, is one of the key Russian industrial centers. Over the last 20 years, the company has delivered more than ten NPP equipment packages and over a hundred large-size units for oil and gas processing. For the current projects in China, Izhora has manufactured and shipped the pressurizers and emergency core cooling system vessels for power units No. 7 and 8, Tianwan NPP, and power unit No. 3, Xudapu NPP. The total weight of the equipment exceeds 700 tons.
Petrozavodskmash is the largest manufacturing site in the Republic of Karelia. The company makes most nuclear island equipment such as primary coolant pumps, reactor coolant pipeline fittings, emergency core cooling and passive core flooding system vessels, and many more. It is a member of the Russian Manufacturers Union. This factory supplied reactor coolant pump casings for power units No. 7 and 8, Tianwan NPP, and power unit No. 3, Xudapu NPP. One power unit requires four reactor coolant pumps. Hence, the total weight of NPP pumping equipment delivered to China will be about 800 tons.
Rosatom is actively engaged in nuclear power projects in China. This includes NPP power unit construction and fuel supply, fast neutron reactor technology, and closed nuclear fuel cycle. In particular, Rosatom is contributing to two NPP projects in China. Most companies of the Machine Building Division are among the contractors. Many production sites are manufacturing the equipment for the NPP reactor and turbine islands.
Rosatom strengthens international cooperation with friendly countries. As a reliable supplier of nuclear equipment, Rosatom is strengthening its position in the global market.