Rosatom’s Composites Division Supplied Advanced Housings for Brachium Gamma-Therapeutic Unit

Rosatom’s Composites Division Supplied Advanced Housings for Brachium Gamma-Therapeutic Unit

With the new housing, the unit weight is lighter, its assembly and maintenance is simpler

Rosatom’s Composites Division Supplied Advanced Housings for Brachium Gamma-Therapeutic Unit

With the new housing, the unit weight is lighter, its assembly and maintenance is simpler

Press release

The Rosatom Composites Division has developed and manufactured improved carbon fiber housings for the Brachium gamma-therapeutic system (a high-dose brachytherapy unit). NIITFA JSC (belongs to Rosatom’s Health Technologies Division), the manufacturer of the system, received three housing sets.

Now, the Brahium system has the outer panels made of prepreg (a semi-finished composite material of a fibrous reinforcing filler and an impregnated binder) produced by the Composites Division. The project started in October 2023. In redesigning, the Composites Division produced molding equipment based on master models for product manufacturing, and made a new housing with improved characteristics for the unit.

Ongoing is the production of five Brachium housings, with two more carbon composite sets to be delivered during the next six months.

“Composites have a long track record in implantation and prosthetics. They are non-toxic, non-allergenic and, first of all, very durable. These characteristics are equally important for the production of medical equipment. In particular, we offer an advanced lighter housing, faster assembly and maintenance of the Brahium system,” commented Rafael Amerkhanov, Project Manager of the Composites Division.

“The new composites used in the production of the Brachium gamma-therapeutic unit mean a lot more than just modernization. With prepreg housings, the system assembly is faster due to exactly fitting overall and mating dimensions. Advanced domestic technologies allow us to improve our high-tech products that we supply on the market, and raise their quality,” said Dmitry Chesnokov, Acting Director General of NIITFA JSC.


The Rosatom Composites Division is the national leader in the production of PAN precursor, carbon and glass fiber, fabrics, prepregs and finished products based thereon. The Division includes a research center and manufacturing facilities boasting a complete production chain – from oil refinement to final products. The division comprises 29 companies, including 15 plants in 16 regions of the Russian Federation.

NIITFA JSC is a company of Science and Innovations Division that oversees the science institutes and centers conducting research in nuclear physics, nuclear medicine, etc. for Rosatom. The Institute was founded in 1960 as the main developer of radiation and medical X-ray technology. The Institute’s developments find their way into the nuclear industry and nuclear power engineering, medicine, oil and gas industry, geology and mining, agriculture, ecology, and other sectors.

The Brachium gamma-therapeutic unit is a brachytherapy system for cancer treatment. This treatment implies a gamma radiation source located in close proximity to the lesion (tumor) or in the tumor tissue making a minimal impact on the healthy tissue. The system is intended for radiotherapy departments, specialist cancer treatment, treatment and prevention, and medical research facilities. The system features state-of-the-art dosimeters, which reduces the error probability; applicators compatible with visual diagnostic systems, CT, MRI, as well as an advanced three-dimensional radiation treatment planning system, the latter making possible 3D modeling of a tumor for more accurate irradiation. The system has been supplied to medical institutions of the Russian Federation since 2022.

The President and the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as relevant departments attach great importance to improving the level of healthcare and increasing its availability. Large Russian companies provide their support for the comprehensive modernization of the healthcare system and development of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom is actively involved in these efforts.
