The fifth tier of the inner containment of the reactor building installed at the Akkuyu NPP Unit 3 construction site

The fifth tier of the inner containment of the reactor building installed at the Akkuyu NPP Unit 3 construction site

The welded metal structure of 396 tons and 6.5 meters high was moved to its regular place by a crawler crane

The fifth tier of the inner containment of the reactor building installed at the Akkuyu NPP Unit 3 construction site

The welded metal structure of 396 tons and 6.5 meters high was moved to its regular place by a crawler crane

Press release

The fifth tier of the inner containment (IC) has been installed at the Akkuyu NPP Unit 3. The ring-shaped welded metal structure of 396 tons and 6.5 meters high, assembled at a special site next to the power unit under construction, was moved to its regular place by a crawler crane.

The IC fifth tier is a transitional component between the cylindrical and dome parts of the containment. It consists of 12 reinforced concrete blocks (sections). The blocks began to be put together long before the installation operation. They were docked and welded together into a single ring structure of about 115 tons. Then special consoles were welded to the reinforced concrete blocks, on which a rail track was installed for the operation of a circular overhead crane (polar crane). As a result, the weight of the structure increased to 396 tons. A hook suspension of the crane mechanism for reliable suspension of cargo on the hook weighs another 50 tons. The total weight of the cargo moved by the crawler crane was almost 450 tons.

“We completed the double assembly of the containment fifth tier at the end of 2023. The installation of the consoles to which the rail track of the polar crane is attached is usually performed already at height, after the installation of the tier. With a view of optimizing the deadlines of further construction and installation works, we decided to mount the consoles when the tier was still on the ground, and then to mount the already assembled structure in the design position. Russian and Turkish specialists – installers, crane operators, slingers – once again demonstrated the highest level of professional skill and successfully installed a multi-ton structure,” stated Sergei Butckikh, Chief Executive Officer of Akkuyu Nuclear JSC.


Akkuyu NPP is the first nuclear power plant being built in the Republic of Türkiye. The Akkuyu NPP project includes four power units equipped with Generation III+ VVER reactors of Russian design. The capacity of each NPP power unit will be 1200 MW. Akkuyu NPP is the first project in the global nuclear industry being implemented according to the Build-Own-Operate model. Power units of the Akkuyu NPP are equipped with modern and high-tech VVER-1200 reactor plants. When designing and building such power units, the experience of safe operation of several generations of nuclear power plants is taken into account. Power Units with VVER-1200 reactors have a double containment: an inner containment and an outer containment. Each layer is formed from a durable metal frame and special concrete. Together, they ensure tightness and reliable protection of the reactor compartment from any external influences – earthquakes of up to 9 points, tsunamis, hurricanes, as well as their combinations.

Russia continues a productive dialog with its foreign colleagues, developing cooperation with countries from all over the world and actively forming a multi-polar system of international relations. The implementation of major foreign energy projects also continues. Rosatom and its entities take an active part in this work.
