Rosatomflot’s new record for cargo shipping along the Northern Sea Route

Rosatomflot’s new record for cargo shipping along the Northern Sea Route

The company surpassed its results of 2023 winter-spring navigation

Rosatomflot’s new record for cargo shipping along the Northern Sea Route

The company surpassed its results of 2023 winter-spring navigation

Press release

On July 5, Atomflot evaluated the preliminary results of winter-spring navigation. In the period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024, nuclear icebreakers assisted 438 ship calls (against 435 ship calls during the same period in 2023). The total gross tonnage amounted to 50.4 million tons (against 48.6 million tons during the same period in 2023).

“Despite external factors, we managed to surpass our winter-spring indicators during the same period of the previous year,” noted Leonid Irlitsa, Atomflot Director General. “This is an excellent result of the joint efforts of the entire Northern Sea Route (NSR) Directorate of Rosatom. I would especially like to thank the crews of nuclear icebreakers and Maritime Operations HQs of the NSR General Administration FSBI. Their coordinated actions ensured the safety and steadiness of navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route.”

The summer-autumn navigation has started in the waters of the Northern Sea Route. As you know, on July 2, near Cape Zhelaniya, Atomflot’s nuclear icebreaker Vaigach took three vessels under escort. This is the first eastward bound voyage to deliver petroleum products and cargo to remote areas of the country (with limited delivery times in summer navigation season). Currently, the convoy is heading to the Laptev Sea.


The development of the Arctic infrastructure and shipping is a key area of Rosatom’s activity. In 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation gave Rosatom the powers of the NSR infrastructure operator. In December 2019, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the plan for the NSR infrastructure development until 2035, worked out by Rosatom.

The Northern Sea Route General Administration, Federal State Budgetary Institution (NSR General Administration FSBI) was established by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2019-р dated July 23, 2022. The main mission of the Administration is to organize navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route (NSR). NSR General Administration FSBI is responsible for the organization of icebreaker assistances and ship escorting along the navigation routes in the NSR waters; development of a navigation route and arrangement of icebreaker fleet vessels in the NSR waters taking into account the hydrometeorological, ice and navigation conditions in the NSR waters; issuance of permits for navigation in the NSR waters.

The development of The Northern Sea Route as one of the most important logistics corridors is one of the strategic priorities of Russia. To increase the cargo traffic along NSR is crucial to the tasks set in the field of the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. This logistic corridor is developing due to regular cargo transportation, building of new nuclear icebreakers and modernization of the relevant infrastructure. Rosatom companies are actively involved in this work.
