On March 25, 2024, within XIII International Forum ATOMEXPO-2024 in Sochi a Cooperation Agreement on the project of the International Research Center based on Multipurpose fast research reactor (IRC MBIR) was signed between the Consortium Leader of IRC MBIR, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the country office of Rosatom in Belarus «Rusatom Bel».
The Cooperation Agreement confirms the willingness of Russian and Belarussian parties to develop cooperation on the MBIR project. According to the agreement, the representatives of Belarusian side participate in the activity of the international scientific platform based on the IRC MBIR, define the list of possible experimental researches on MBIR for Belarussian party, participate in preparation of multisided research programs aimed at the usage of MBIR opportunities, scientific and other events of the Consortium of IRC MBIR.
The parties are interested in the development of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of atomic energy for peaceful purposes based on the principals of equality and mutual benefits.

The IRC MBIR will become a global platform to carry out nuclear physics researches and justification for development of two-component nuclear power. The engagement of the wide pull of members representing different scientific and technical schools will create a synergy effect for all participants of the project. Negotiations on cooperation with Russian and foreign scientific organizations are under way. To date there are several documents defining the terms to join to the Consortium of IRC MBIR are signed with the Republic of Uzbekistan and other foreign partners and international organizations.
MBIR is a 4th generation multi-purpose fast neutron research reactor. It will make possible to conduct reactor and post-reactor experiments, to hone the technology for the production of isotopes and modified materials. It is being built as part of the federal project of the comprehensive program “Development of Engineering, Technologies and Scientific Research in the Field of the Use of Atomic Energy in the Russian Federation” (RTTN). It will replace the BOR-60 reactor, which is in great demand today and has been operating for more than half a century at the RIAR’s site in Dimitrovgrad (Ulyanovsk Region). The new reactor will provide the nuclear industry with a modern and technologically advanced research infrastructure for the next 50 years.
On the basis of the MBIR reactor, the MBIR Reactor International Research Centre (IRC) is being created. The scientific group will include Russian and foreign scientists and researchers. The Centre’s activities will be carried out by the Consortium – MBIR Reactor International Research Centre. Such an approach enables a flexible use of the reactor resource to meet the needs of the scientific community.
As part of demonstrating Rosatom’s commitment to the climate agenda, compensation of the carbon footprint of the XIII International Forum ATOMEXPO-2024 will be ensured using special certificates.