Rosatom and Rushydro have agreed to cooperate

Rosatom and Rushydro have agreed to cooperate

An agreement to this effect was signed at ATOMEXPO-2024

Rosatom and Rushydro have agreed to cooperate

An agreement to this effect was signed at ATOMEXPO-2024

Press release

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A cooperation agreement between Rusatom Smart Utilities JSC (RSU, a business unit of Rosatom) and Rushydro was signed on March 25, 2024, at the 13th ATOMEXPO International Forum held in the Sirius Federal Territory.

The document is to facilitate the technological development of both companies, their exchange of best practices and expansion of promising operation lines, including operations in the power sector of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia.

The agreement follows up on the joint initiatives outlined by Rosatom and Rushydro at the 2017 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. In the years following the forum, the partners have been actively expanding their cooperation, with Rushydro Group’s project institutes participating in the design of hydrotechnical facilities, technical water supply and treatment systems for Rosatom’s facilities under construction or being designed. They have actively engaged with Rosatom’s subsidiaries in the use of composite materials, implementing pilot projects on external reinforcement at three hydro power plants of the Rushydro Group (Ezmin HPP, Zhiguli HPP, and Zagorsk PSPP).

Rosatom and Rushydro’s cooperation goes back many years, not just in technology development but also in talent training. Rushydro’s research and construction professionals take part in the annual International Construction Championship organized by the Russian Ministry of Construction and the Rosatom, as well as in other projects.


Rusatom Smart Utilities JSC is a subdivision of the Rosatom, a diversified holding with operations in energy, IT, and utilities. The company runs the non-nuclear generation operations of Rosatom and implements projects aimed at the digitalization of municipal and regional governance, modernization of resource management, and urban development. The company has generating facilities and heating grids in 16 Russian regions. The total installed electric power capacity of its power plants is 3.6 GW, and its total heat generating capacity amounts to 18.7 thousand GCal/h. It implements various projects related to digitalization and utilities in over 200 cities, from Murmansk to Sakhalin.

Rushydro is Russia’s largest power player in terms of installed capacity, spanning over 600 generating facilities. Among hydro power generating corporations, it ranks first in the country and third in the world, and is the nation’s leader for renewable generation. The total installed capacity of Rushydro’s hydro power plants is 38.5 GW.

As part of demonstrating Rosatom’s commitment to the climate agenda, compensation of the carbon footprint of the XIII International Forum ATOMEXPO-2024 will be ensured using special certificates.
