The Rosatom’s stand was working with the maximum load during seven days of the World Youth Festival that was held March 1-7 at the Sirius Federal Territory. The exposition of Russian atomic industry representatives extending over 2,000 sq. m was visited by 12K+ of the Festival participants from 180 countries of the world; 8K more students attended 120 events (conferences and workshops) held by the Rosatom’s managers and experts. According to hosts, the stand visitors have drunk up 2.4K+ liters of tea cooked by using recipes from Rosatom’s countries of operation, and have taken 1.5K selfies with the atomic fleet captains.

Among of the Festival key events is the lecture “Atomic Technologies for Sustainable Development” presented by the Rosatom’s Director General Alexey Likhachev, that opened the educational marathon “Znanie.Pervye” of the All-Russian Society “Znanie”, and the selection of experts for the Rosatom’s Arctic expedition to the North Pole. The expedition members will be 15 persons representing eight countries, including Uzbekistan, Cameroon, Bangladesh, Tunisia, Belarus and Russia. Ivan Kurbatov and Aleksandr Skryabin, captains of the Ural and the Arktika atomic icebreakers, gave certificates to finalists.
“Being at the Festival is an extraordinary opportunity, especially for us as the future generation [of leaders]. We were lucky to meet many experts representing a wide spectrum of business, science, and arts, and to speak with people from different countries of the World. The future has already come, and we decide what it will look like”, noted Uwase Ange Foavienne, a bachelor course student with NRNU MEPhI from Rwanda.

The World Youth Festival takes place in 2024 according to the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the sake of development of international youth cooperation. It is attended by 20K young leaders in the spheres of education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering and charity, sports, business, and media, including 10K of foreign participants. Teenagers take their part for the first time (for the track of the all-Russian movement of children and youth “Movement of Leaders”).
Rosatom is a multi-industry holding company which comprises assets in power engineering, machine building, and construction. Its strategy is to develop low-carbon generation, including wind power. Rosatom is the national leader in power generation (accounting for about 20% of the country’s total output) and ranks first globally in terms of the size of its portfolio of orders for the construction of nuclear power plants: 33 power units in 10 countries are at different stages of implementation.
The Government of the Russian Federation and major Russian companies continue to expand the range of solutions to unlock the potential of students and young employees. Rosatom and its enterprises take part in the creation of specialized departments in the Russian higher educational institutions, implementation of the scholarship support programs, large educational projects, organization of practical and training for the students with their subsequent placement. The young specialists get new useful skills that help them in the career growth.